Hiring the right contractor

Remodel Kitchen

Hiring the right contractor for your renovation

Hiring a remodeling contractor can be intimidating. You don’t know where to start or who to trust, we understand. We have a few tips to help you feel confident in your decision when choosing a contractor.


Most people turn to google when they have a question, and searching Contractors Near Me is as good a place to start as any, but you will need to dig a little deeper to find the cream of the crop.

You will want to check reviews on google, angies list, and other places. You should also check into their state licenses, making sure they are valid and in good standing.

Get Recommendations

Nothing speaks louder than personal testimony. Who do your neighbors recommend, or warn against? Does one contractor keep coming up?

You can even ask around at local businesses, especially if you are shopping for material. Does the local tile shop  know some good installers? You may want to add them to the list.

Have a discussion

Once you have narrowed it down, make some calls or send some emails. Get face to face and discuss your vision. A good contractor will ask questions and make suggestions. They will also give the project some thought before throwing prices around.

Keep in mind this person will be in your house for many hours per day for many days. Do you like their demeanor? Do you feel comfortable around them?

Review their work

If you have someone you like, review samples of their work. Ask for pictures, or visit their website. Does it look like they can accomplish the style you are looking for? Are they up to date on current trends? Can they work with your specific layout?

The best contractors will be glad to show you examples of their favorite projects and are often open to new and exciting projects.

Consider the price

Budget is always on your mind, as it should be. But should the lowest price always win the day? Probably not! If you received a few estimates, and one is far lower than the others, you should ask yourself why? Are they cutting corners? Or desperate for work?

You will want to be certain that your contractor is capable of executing this project, and willing to do so with lasting materials and quality workmanship. You may not get that from the lowball estimate. Or worse, they will surprise you with large price changes later in the project.

You Picked a Contractor, Now what?

Once you have someone on your team that you want to work with, the fun begins. Be sure you have an estimate and payment schedule. Depending on the project size, that may look like 2-4 payments spread out over the course of the project.

Iron out your plans and pull permits as necessary. Your contractor may be able to help you with these, depending on the project you are working on.

Be sure that everything is in writing. Changes happen, and problems do arise. Don’t be surprised by a greater final price by making sure all changes and additional work are agreed upon in writing. Every surprise behind the walls and “While you are here…” can change the length and cost of the renovation. Everyone should always be on the same page.

Tile by Taryla is available to discuss your next kitchen or bathroom renovation. Reach out today!

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